Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Said while subbing

It's always an interesting day while subbing. I have some interesting convo's with kids Here are just a few:

Boy: I'm 18 now Miss Anderson (hinting he's legal or something of that sort)
Miss A: That's nice. Now my boyfriend who is a cop can pick you up and take you to jail.

(I only said that because I've seen this kid at the juvenile detention center before...and once you're over 17 you go to jail rather than the youth place)

Announcement to third hour Biology class:
"Just so you know I'm mean sub today and will take your cell phone if you have it out" Miss A

(In 2nd hour a girl had her phone out, I asked her to put it away or I would confinscate it. Less than 5 minutes later it was out again...and is now unused in the teacher's desk--until the end of the day)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I'm wearing black pants....and a a gray sweater. I swear I look nice and don't look like a high schooler.

Anyway, I've had the same sub job for the same teacher for 2 days now. Today I stopped next door since they had a sub and asked if they were watching a movie today since we borrowed the DVD player yesterday and I wanted to make sure it worked for the sub.

The other sub asked what hour I was in. I explained again that I was subbing next door and we borrowed the DVD player yesterday and wanted to make sure it would work for her.

She still didn't understand and thought I was a student asking if we were watching videos in class....oh well.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Want to know the biggest difference between the detention center and working as a sub?

When I'm a substitute teacher I have no problem standing in between 2 boys that want to fight....if I'm at the detention center I just call a male staff on my radio.

Why? I'm not scared of 8th grade boys in middle school....but kids at the detention center are a different kind of crazy.

I found it a little funny today as I stood between two eight graders who wanted to fight over some kid making fun of another....because I would just get out of the way if a similar situation occurred at the detention center!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Seriously...who believes this stuff?

I really have no qualms about giving out my email...I get more email/spam in an day than most people probably get in a week or month!
Anyway, here's a recent spam email I received:

"I work with a bank here in Spain, I need your assistance in repatriating the funds left behind by a late customer that died with his entire family. Every attempt to trace any member of his family has not been successful. I will give you more information upon your response to this proposal. Email:

So some random family died and they want to give me the money? Rrrright.

Here's one telling me I won the lottery (in the UK)'s the information they want me to send to process and get me the money:


Does anyone else smell identify theft?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hmm...a sign?

I just turned on Pandora (which I haven't used forever). The first song it plays is called Whenever You Remember by Carrie Underwood (yes, it's a country station)

Seems ironic to me right now. Here are the first few lyrics...

When you look back on times we had
I hope you smile
And know that through the good and through the bad
I was on your side when nobody could hold us down
We claimed the brightest star
And we, we came so far
And no they won't forget

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Positively Not Good

It's hard to believe that detained kids get better care locked up that at home....but I would easily say that many don't get 3 meals served to them a day or newly washed clothes on a daily basis. They also have access to various appointments and a nurse that comes in weekly.

Anyway, a 16 year-old boy came back from a visit with the nurse and receiving the results of his STD testing and said to a teacher:

"Positives a good thing right?"

Oh snap.....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Who doesn't love snow days?

We've gotten a ton of snow the past few days and a blizzard warning starts at 1pm today.
Of course all the schools are cancelled. So who doesn't ever want a snow day? ME!
Snow days mean school is cancelled and therefore my work as a substitute is not needed...which means NO pay for me today :(

Here's the snow falling on Monday and the ugly snowman my friend, Rachelle, and I made.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tis the Season

I realize it's the holidays and all...but does anyone else think there's too much red in this picture?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Today's youth...tomorrow's future.

The other day at work a resident told me that I "must have done a lot of crack and my nose looks like Michael Jackson's" now what horrible, mean, unfair thing did I tell this 15 year old girl that would possess her to rudely tell me this?

I reminded her she needed to be seated quietly during focus group.

Ohhhh the joys of working at a juvenile detention center.

PS...i'm not seeing any resemblance....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm glad this wasn't my mom...

The other night dear bf and I went out to dinner. A few tables from us was a group of 40-something ladies. They were all wearing Burger King crowns that were New Moon print. They were also wearing name tags sporting "team edward" and "team some other guy I don't remember the name of"

So guess where we were having dinner?

If you guessed Burger King (the logical choice) you are incorrect.

If you somehow guessed Olive win the prize.

These ladies looked ridiculous to me...especially since they were old and not teenage girls. I have no idea what's up with the hype of the vampire movies...and don't plan on finding out anytime soon either.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

This is too amusing...

I didn't mention in my previous post that my teacher is very tech savvy and listed his email, skype, and chat info as his contact information. He also bashed PC's for 1/2 the class and bragged about his amazing Mac.

Anyway, being the nice teacher he is he actually made a video and posted in on youtube to help with our new criticism paper we are writing.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad he is helping with the assignment and love the use of tech
nology...but for some reason I just have a feeling I'm not going to like this class.
I know you are dying to see this video. Enjoy!

PS-for your viewing pleasure he is wearing the bow-tie.

Back to School

Picture my professor...he is wearing a big, red striped bow-tie, a button-up shirt, a gray cardigan, khakis, brown boots, glasses, and sporting a full beard.
So how old this professor you are picturing? Are you picturing a gray-haired wrinkly old guy with his pants up to his belly button?

If you thought any thing over the age of 40 you are too high. My English 221: Critical Writing and Literature Analysis was wearing this spiffy outfit on my first day of classes and using my ability to guess ages (thanks to a summer of working at the guessing game at Michigan's Adventure) he is around 35.

I am not sure what was more amusing....the bowtie and cardigan ensemble or the frequent crazy hand gestures he used while talking about formalism and other things I've never heard of. gets even better.
Actual graphic found on the syllabus for this class....and the sad thing is it looks just like him!

Well I am off to BS my way through writing an eight paragraph new criticism paper on this poem.

Well hello there....

I have created this blog as a place to share my experiences and things I've learned in my daily life while working as a substitute teacher, youth specialist at a juvenile detention center, attending college classes, being a couponer, and of course spending time with family, friends, and my boyfriend.

I can't say this blog will be exciting...but I do enjoy writing so here goes.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Well, I wanted the blog's web address to be:

Of course that splendidly creative name was I had to get creative and chose

Not as cool...but it shall do.

This blog will probably just be my ramblings about work, life, family. etc. I'm sure you're dying for the next post :P